Frequently Asked Question

Automatic Payment Confirmation (APC)
Last Updated 28 days ago

Automatic Payment Confirmation allows you to integrate your Nochex payments with your website's back-end operations, so you get immediate confirmation and authentication of the Nochex payments you receive. 

It allows you to:
• Process your customers payments in real-time
• Give immediate feedback to your customer
• Store your Nochex payments in your own database

APC can be integrated into the Nochex checkout system to allow you to create a payment system that alleviates the need for you to log into the Nochex system to confirm that payments have been made. The customer will also benefit from the APC as they will receive an immediate response to the order they have placed, similar to that of making payments through a credit card system.

How does the Nochex APC work?
The Nochex APC system works by sending a confirmation POST to a page on your server. Once your server has received a response from our servers, you can process the information to allow you to construct an email or update an order on your website / shopping cart in relation to a payment that has been made, and whether it has been a AUTHORISED or DECLINED transaction.

How can the Nochex APC benefit my business by authenticating total amount paid?

The Nochex APC system can benefit your business and allow you to authenticate an amount paid for, by the customer is actually the amount they should have paid. If the amount is less then a negative impact could impact your services and products offered to your customers, and potentially leave your business out of pocket.

How do I change the APC URL that Nochex send the confirmations to?
If you are a Merchant account holder and wish to amend the URL Nochex POST their confirmations to follow these steps:-

• Login to your NOCHEX account
• Click on the 'Payments Page Setup' link
• Edit the URL in the 'CallBack' textbox
• Press "Save Changes" button


you can send the APC details with your checkout parameters, for example:
responderurl= [APC responder address]

How do I integrate the Nochex APC into my site?
For detailed instructions on integrating the APC system into your website, please see the attached integration guide.

What information can be retrieved?
The following information can be retrieved from the APC system;

Information Type Description Example
To_email Email Address of the customer
From_email Email Address of the merchant
Transaction_ID Unique code or identifier of a transaction that has occurred 0123
Transaction_date Date of the transaction that has been made 25/04/2016
Order ID The identifier of an order that has been placed,
and can be used to update the status of the order
Amount The transaction amount that has been made 1.23
Status This is a parameter which determines whether a
transaction was test or live

Examples of APC
We have various example pages available to show you how our APC system works, which can be found here and come in different programming languages;

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