Frequently Asked Question

What are Nochex merchants allowed to do?
Last Updated 8 months ago

Nochex do not allow the service to be used for illegal activities, and we reserve the right to take preventative or corrective action to protect the service and the users. 

The Nochex Acceptable Use Policy has been developed to help users of the service identify activities that are illegal or may be illegal under certain circumstances and to identify certain activities which Nochex have chosen not to process payments for even though these may be legal.

Acceptance and adherence to the Nochex Acceptable Use Policy, as this may change from time to time, is a part of the Nochex Terms & Conditions to which each Nochex user has agreed at the time that you registered to use the service.

There are certain activities, goods and services that may not be undertaken or sold by holders of a Nochex account.

Please click for the Nochex Acceptable Use Policy

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