Frequently Asked Question

How do I redirect customers to our success page?
Last Updated 7 months ago

To setup your own success page customers can go to once a payment has been completed via Nochex, and provide a thank you message to your customer from your business.

Login to your Nochex account and at the Control Panel select "Payments Page Setup".


Find the field where it says "Success URL" and then fill in the relevant URL.


So now your customers can be redirected to this page once they have completed a transaction and press continue.

If you would like your customers to redirect automatically without manually pressing a button, there is an Auto Redirect option.

By default the success page is already setup in most of our shopping cart integrations and customers will be able to go back to your website. If you are not using one of our modules, it is also possible configure the option in your payment page or Nochex widget integrations

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