Frequently Asked Question

What currency does Nochex accept for subscriptions?
Last Updated 3 years ago

Nochex Recurring only accepts British Pound Sterling.

You can use foreign currencies or have the option for customers to change their preferred currency on your website.

For Example:

  • Dollars
  • Euros

However, when the customer goes through your checkout process, the amount and currency that is shown in your shopping cart would need to be converted to British Pound Sterling using a currency convertor before the customer makes a payment or redirected to the payment page.

Example Convertors;

Woocs - Currency Switcher for Woocommerce

Curcy - Woocommerce 

AA Currency Converter - Joomla

(Please Note. Nochex does not endorse these providers and we recommend you thoroughly check each tool before using it on your website)

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