Frequently Asked Question

Shopper Support.
Last Updated a year ago

Nochex is a widely used and trusted method of payment for thousands of online shoppers and merchants. If your bank statement lists Nochex as a transaction then you will have purchased an item from a Nochex merchant.

If you have recently received your card statement and it lists a payment to ‘Nochex Ltd’ and you are unsure what it was for, use our Consumer Transaction Finder to identify the merchant you purchased from. You will need the payment amount, the last four digits of your card number and the postcode from the address your statement was sent to.

Please note, in order for us to identify your transaction, you will need to provide the following details;

  • The email address you used for the transaction.
  • The number of the transaction. You will find this in the receipt you received from us via email.
  • The name of the merchant you have purchased from.
  • The transaction amount
  • Date and time of the transaction

If you are still unsure about the payment, please submit a support ticket and a member from our customer support team will be in touch within 2 working days, alternatively you can call us on 0113 819 7211 between 9am - 5.30pm

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