Frequently Asked Question

Chargeback Guide
Last Updated 7 years ago

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with information that will help you to deal with chargebacks and pre-chargeback requests for information.

What is a “request for information?”

A request for information originates when a cardholder doesn’t recognise a transaction on their statement and has requested more transactional details such as details about the merchant, website information and product/service purchased. Please note this is not a chargeback.

It is important that you respond to our email as quickly as possible to help reduce the possibility of a chargeback being raised. You need to send your response by email to

Remember, a request for information is not a full chargeback and doesn’t involve a movement of funds. Therefore, if you think it is best to refund the transaction to avoid a chargeback this is perfectly fine.

What is a “Chargeback?”

A chargeback occurs when a customer disputes a transaction with their card issuer and would like the transaction to be reversed.

You will be notified by Nochex when a chargeback is raised and the funds relating to the disputed transaction will automatically be recovered from your Nochex account and returned to the customer.

What action should I take when I receive a chargeback notification?

  • You can decide to accept the chargeback. You can do this by telling us in an email, sent to
  • If you have already refunded a transaction before receiving a chargeback notification, please inform Nochex of this by email, sent to

DO NOT refund a transaction once you have been notified of a chargeback. You are not guaranteed to win a chargeback by doing this and you may even end up paying the funds back twice by doing this.

  • You can challenge a chargeback by demonstrating that the transaction was valid
The following information is aimed at guiding you through the process, if you decide to challenge a chargeback. Please note by challenging a chargeback and providing further information and evidence this does not guarantee your challenge will be successful

What is the nature of my customer’s chargeback and what can I provide to challenge it?

The customer can initiate a chargeback for several reasons and providing information specific to the nature of the chargeback is key to increasing your chances of successfully challenging it.

The following is aimed at helping you identify the type of information you should provide and then tailoring it to the specific chargeback case.

Your chargeback notification email will state which type of chargeback has been raised by the customer.

For all chargeback types: Wherever you feel email correspondence between yourself and the customer may help challenge a chargeback case, please include this in your submission to the chargeback team. This is particularly important if you don’t provide tangible goods, but you provide a service or downloadable product.

There are six main types of chargeback:

  • “Cardholder Denies Transaction”
The customer has disputed the transaction on the basis they did not make the payment and their card has been used fraudulently. Information you need to supply:
Tracking number and name of postal service/courier company (for example, Royal Mail etc.) – applicable to TANGIBLE GOODS ONLY

  • “Goods Not Received”
The customer has disputed the transaction on the basis they did not receive the products/services that they bought. Information you need to supply:
Tracking number and name of postal service/courier company (for example, Royal Mail etc.) – applicable to TANGIBLE GOODS ONLY.
Confirmation of customer download (including IP address confirmation) – DOWNLOADABLE PRODUCTS ONLY
Confirmation of customer accessing service (including IP address confirmation) – ONLINE SERVICES ONLY

  • “Duplicated Transaction”
The customer has disputed the transaction on the basis they only made one payment, but you have received multiple payments from them. Information you need to supply:
Confirmation that each transaction related to differing products/services.
Tracking number and name of postal service/courier company (for example, Royal Mail etc.) for each individual order – applicable to TANGIBLE GOODS ONLY

  • “Goods Not as Described”
The customer says that the goods/services received were not as described. Information you need to supply:
Any communication from the customer, especially useful will be emails confirming they were happy with the product/service provided.
If the product you sold was used or 2nd hand please send screenshots of the product listing on your website clearly showing the product description stated it was used, 2nd hand or grade quality (if applicable). TANGIBLE GOODS ONLY.

  • “Incorrect Transaction Amount”
The customer says that an amount was taken from their card that is different than the price stated by the merchant. Information you need to supply:
Confirmation of the product/service provided and the price agreed. A screengrab from your website is useful clearly showing the transaction amount.
Any invoice or email sent to the customer validating the amount of the transaction.

  • “Cancelled Recurring Transaction”
The customer claims a transaction was processed on their card after they have cancelled a service from the merchant or cancelled a recurring billing schedule. Information you need to supply:
Any evidence to show that the customer continued to use the service for the period the transaction relates to. SERVICES ONLY
Tracking number and name of postal service/courier company (for example, Royal Mail etc.) to show that the customer continued to receive products for the period relevant to the disputed transaction – TANGIBLE GOODS ONLY

What happens after I submit information to challenge a chargeback case?

Relevant information you submit to Nochex, as long as it is provided in the timescale required will be passed to the card issuer for review.

Please note Nochex do not make the decision on whether or not the funds remain with you or the customer. This decision is made by the customer’s financial institution.

If the card issuer finds in your favour Nochex will return the funds to your Nochex account.

Have a question which isn’t covered above? Please visit our chargeback FAQ’s section or alternatively contact


All information provided in the above guide should be taken as guidance only and not to be construed as any form of merchant protection against chargeback cases or fees.

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