Order created in the shopping cart but hasn't updated or no transaction notification?

You are investigating an order / missing transaction on your website. There has been an order created but hasn't updated or no corresponding transaction in your transaction history.

Possible Reason

A customer may have gone the checkout process on your website, selected Nochex as their payment option but when they have got to your payment page may have accidentally closed their browser, make adjustments to the order before payment or decided not to go through with making a payment. 

Resulting in orders being created on your website, but no corresponding payment in your Transaction History.

Possible Solution

Some abandoned orders as a result of using our payment page integration could be due to having the default payment page design and not utilizing our customised payment page functionality. 

If you would like to use this feature, we have a guide available here. Alternatively if you would like us to design your seamless payment page, please raise a Support Ticket

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