How do I change my debit or credit card details?

If your debit card issue number and/or expiry date has changed then login to your NOCHEX account and click the "EDIT" link next to "DEBIT CARD STATUS". Make the necessary changes and then click "SAVE".

If your card number has changed and you cannot login to your NOCHEX account because you cannot remember the last 6 digits of your old card number then don't worry. You will be given the option to reset your card status as part of the login process. Just follow the instructions when you try to login to your NOCHEX account.

If your credit card expiry date has changed then login to your NOCHEX account and click the "EDIT" link next to "CREDIT CARD STATUS", make the necessary changes and then click "save".

If your long credit card number has changed and you can't login to your NOCHEX account because you can't remember the last 6 digits of your old credit card number then don't worry. You will be given the option to reset your card status as part of the login process. Just follow the instructions when you try to login to your NOCHEX account.

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